UPC 143437800307


UPC 143437800307
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Brand The Gap
Manufacturer The Gap, Inc.
UPC 143437800307
EAN 0143437800307
Country U.S. and Canada
Last Scan Jun 6 2024 at 1:35 PM
No description for 143437800307
Barcode UPC 143437800307
Other The Gap Products
The Gap Dress
The Gap Dress
The Gap Shirt
The Gap Pants
Support Planned Parenthood
Is a Planned Parenthood corporate sponsor
ClimateCounts Save the Blue Marble
Scorcher: This company has a lot more love for money than the only blue planet. Tell them that’s not cool and you know it. Not cool!! D rated
Boycott Income Inequality
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 705 for 2014
Stop The TPP
Is a member of the US Coalition for TPP
Support the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh
Refuses to sign the The Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety, and has instead signed an unenforceable, corporate-led agreement.